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How Will Your SEO Strategy Evolve in 2022?

Partner with an expert and see better results out of your SEO strategy.

Attempting to keep up with Google’s algorithm updates, given that they have thousands per year, can feel like a Sisyphean task. As soon as you think you’ve got it, more changes start rolling at you. At SJC, we’ve got our eye on the algorithm changes that may impact your SEO strategy in 2022, so check out some of the ones that caught our eye:


Ever since voice recognition in search become more prominent, the way in which keywords factor into the algorithm has evolved. For example, users are entering more casual conversation queries, which prompted Google to deliver more practical results and this will continue to be important in 2022.

Also, be careful not to use keywords so often that it “spams up” your content, because Google has made it clear repeated use will not increase traffic. Focus on high-quality content, because Google is getting smarter about identifying it.

Page Experience

Google finished its design of Page Experience in September and it is helping searchers get what they need on a web page. Page Experience essentially scores your website, taking into account such things as the security of your site, how mobile-friendly it is, how distracting your ads are, whether it is HTTPS-friendly and how it performs from a user experience (UX) perspective.

It’s always been vital that your website be high-functioning, clean, fast to load, easy to navigate and contain the content that will give the users exactly what they’re looking for. But now that Google is taking all of these aspects into account for search rankings, you have even more evidence to get on top of your game.

MUM’s the Word

Multitask Unified Model (MUM) is Google’s AI product for answering modern search demands, which is an effort to improve online search capability. MUM actually understands information not only from text but also from images. This capability is set to expand to audio, so consider that in your 2022 SEO strategy.

Google announced in May that they would continue to roll out features and improvements to MUM in the coming months and years.

Partner With a Professional

SEO strategies can become stagnant fast, which is why you need to constantly monitor your progress and keep up with technology changes and the ways in which algorithms evolve. To get ahead of the competition, partner with SJC and we’ll do all the heavy lifting. We make it our mission to stay informed on how marketing content performs in an ever-changing environment and we’re poised to assist you with your content today. Contact us and let’s discuss your SEO strategy for 2022.

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