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Have a Little Fun in Your Marketing Campaign

Your marketing campaign could benefit from a little perfectly-timed humor.

When you carry out your marketing campaigns, you often get deep into company values, brand messaging and achieving just exactly the right look and feel for your brand. And that’s important.

Sometimes, though, you will find the perfect opportunity to have some fun with your campaign.

That’s what Native, a personal care brand, did in a full-page New York Times ad announcing the retirement of its popular pumpkin spice latte line. They set out not to just poke fun at a tired trend, but also to drum up a lot of excitement around their new coffeehouse-inspired products.

Native jokes that their intention was to create a one-season offer that turned into a bit of a spiced monster.

It’s a perfect marketing campaign stunt. Nothing is better than a brand that can point out an oversold trend that they helped propagate.

You can do this with anything trending that seems a bit overblown.

You could be the first brand to wonder why the farmhouse trend doesn’t really resemble old farmhouses. And so many signs…we need to be told we have now entered the KITCHEN where you’re supposed to EAT EAT EAT.

Or you could poke fun at the overblown personalization trend by offering customization on a product that nobody would ever personalize, like an oil change.

The more ridiculous, the better, so that your customers know you’re joking. Is there a trend you participated in, like Native, that you now realize is past its time and overdone? Maybe you really do have a pumpkin spice latte version of your product, or your farmhouse look is outpacing sales of a traditionally-styled offering.

Need some help finding a little humor in your marketing campaign? At SJC Marketing, these are the reasons we get up in the morning. Let’s grab some coffee (we’re not too cool for pumpkin spice) and come up with some fun and funny ideas for your brand.


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