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Monday Morning Coffee With Perka Hybrid Buildings

SJC Marketing shares one of their favorite places to grab a delicious drink on date night.

A great company can be determined by great leadership, efficient staff, innovation for the future and community involvement. But a unique few can also be described as a family atmosphere. In a company that treats each other like family, your ideas are just as important and valuable as the leader of the company, or the new hire who just walked in the door. There is a business in St. Joseph that excels at making this their practice and philosophy and that company is Perka Hybrid Buildings.

Perka has established a reputation for quality products and services, thanks to their beloved leader, Ed “E.T.” Thevenot. Their company framework may have started with their popular wood-steel hybrid buildings but has expanded into so much more. With the development of new products, like the Perka Insulation Board and soon after, steel featured railings, fences and gates, Perka has grown into a much bigger operation.

As Perka expanded, so did a new generation of leaders. E.T.’s legacy of positivity continued through his heirs, Martial, Guy and Sponge Thevenot. With a client-focused commitment and the promise of future ideas and innovation, the Thevenot family succeeds each day because of the example of their patriarch, E.T.

Perka strives to be a healthy, safe and fulfilling environment for their teammates. Teamwork is truly embraced each day and you will often see someone who normally sits behind a computer helping on a job site or helping to load and unload deliveries. Each person on their team is welcomed to share ideas and suggestions and help shape the future of Perka.

At Perka, each person is as valuable as the next person. It is described as a home away from home by many of their employees. Many clock out at night and still might stay afterward just to converse with one another.

SJC Marketing loves to recognize businesses that provide excellent service and maintain a healthy atmosphere for their staff, especially during these difficult times. We are proud to have companies in our community that are spreading a message of positivity and who care about their people.

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