It doesn’t take much for a consumer to decide they can’t find what they are looking for on a website and to go elsewhere to find it. From a slow-to-load page to clunky design, there are plenty of reasons to flee. Quality web design is extremely important for attracting consumers and enticing them to return again and again.
It’s easy to see the cause and effect of poor web design, but what are the benefits of a well-built site? You want your site to establish confidence in your brand among your target audience. This should become one of your top goals as you develop a website strategy.
So, how are trust and confidence instilled in visitors? First and foremost, it’s through design quality. A trusted site looks professional from the first moment a user enters the site to when they complete the transaction. Everything is labeled for ease of navigation, there are plenty of stimulating visual elements and the flow of information is seamless.
Knowing the Audience
Did you know that younger users find what’s referred to as “flat” designs to be more professional than a 3D design? The flat design often utilizes user interfaces that are considered trendy and modern. The overall effect is minimalism and uses a 2D image rather than 3D, which is why it’s called flat. If your target audience falls squarely into the Millennial category or younger, this is something valuable for you to know. If your target audience is older, this flat approach may not be the best choice for your website design.
All good web designs are preceded by research on the target audience’s preferences. For example, if you are catering to a Gen X audience, you want a design that is functional and entertaining, but easy to understand and navigate. They don’t want distractions and they want insightful content.
Outsourcing to Professionals
To get the most out of your website, work with a professional who knows how the latest trends in web design will speak directly to your target audience. The best web designers are current on best practices but are also surrounded by a team that can help build a strategy that speaks to individual clients’ needs. That’s what we offer at SJC Marketing. We know every brand is unique in its own way and we create web designs that are a custom fit. Contact us and learn more about how we can assist you.