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Imagine Sipping Next Week’s Monday Morning Coffee at a Clean Desk

Join SJC Marketing each Monday for Monday Morning Coffee, a blog featuring local businesses.

Did you know that the average desk is 100 times dirtier than a kitchen table?

Even if that doesn’t motivate you to clean your desk, maybe you’ve got a tangle of unidentified cords in a drawer or you’ve noticed that the spot where you put your dirty coffee cup has become more of a region, filled with cups of all varieties.

Imagine having room to actually work at your desk. Celebrate National Clean Off Your Desk Day!

Today, Monday, January 9 is National Clean Off Your Desk Day, and whether your mess is more candy wrappers and take-out containers or paper clips and rubber bands, it’s likely your desk could use a tidying up.

It’s hard to find the history of how Clean Your Desk Day came to be, but we know that the use of desks exploded during the Industrial Revolution, with the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia holding a huge Office Furniture Expo in 1876, an event that featured new rolltop desks and filing systems.

In the 1900s, office furniture production exploded, and steel desks became a popular choice for supporting the weight of heavy typewriters. As the new millennium dawned, office workers everywhere were expecting a quick end to paper as computer processing began to dominate business activity.

But those handy desks had a darker side. In 2012, researchers at San Diego University reported that the average office has more than 500 types of bacteria.

So, if you’ve been feeling self-congratulatory about the spotless surface of your neat and organized desk as you read this, better get the disinfecting spray.

Get out the disinfecting spray and clean out your desk with Monday Morning Coffee!

Even beyond getting your office straightened up, you’re probably in for some fun. Desk cleaning always yields some treasures: that Easter candy you hid from your coworkers, the money you tucked under your Post-It cube, your favorite pen that got shoved back behind your monitor. Bonus points if you come up with a dead cockroach or food item expired for more than two years.

While you’re on a roll, you might also be thinking that your marketing plan could use a bit of a clean-up. Maybe you haven’t looked at your social strategy or you’ve been wanting to set aside part of your budget for podcasting or a new email campaign. Contact us at SJC Marketing and let’s get your marketing all cleaned up and ready for the year.

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