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Building a Presence Through Personal Branding…like Napoleon

Whether you’re a business or an individual trying to build an online presence, personal branding is critical.

Let’s talk about Napoleon Dynamite. When it comes to personal branding, he’s got it in spades.

There’s a specific laughing-while-cringing humor that Napoleon Dynamite perfected in all his glorious weirdness. He was a successfully branded character, completely consistent in his message.

Personal branding has made Napoleon memorable for decades now. What can personal branding do for you?

You Might Stand Out Against the Happy Hands Club: When Napoleon got up to dance, it blew everyone away after having watched the Happy Hands Club perform their snoozy routine.

Your personal branding makes you stand out. It allows people a chance to see how you’re different, special and maybe even groovy. You’re highlighting what’s best about your brand when you employ personal branding.

You Might Get Asked About Llamas: Napoleon probably wasn’t an expert in a whole lot, but he knew what llamas wouldn’t eat: unidentifiable goop.

You need to build a reputation for being a go-to for questions in your industry. Developing your personal branding establishes you as an expert because you’re consistently telling audiences who you are. You don’t pretend to know everything about everything, but you’re an expert in your field.

Deb Might be Screening You: It’s not just potential dates that do a little digital sleuthing. We all stopped pretending to feel sheepish about googling people a long time ago. Personal branding allows businesses to see who you are and whether you’re a good fit long before contacting you.

That’s why personal branding is critical. You need to make a great first impression before you even meet someone. Customers and clients will be looking you up before contacting you, and personal branding ensures that you successfully attract members of your target audience.

Personal Branding, Now on VHS: So, how do you begin to develop your personal brand? Well, you may not be able to get everything you need by closing your door and shoving in a VHS like Napoleon, but don’t worry about it. Here’s your quick guide to personal branding:

  • Decide Who You Are: Personal branding, whether you are a business or an individual, is all about determining which values and personality traits are going to dominate your brand. What are your priorities and what’s important to you?
  • Create a Consistent Voice, Look and Tone: Personal branding requires a high level of consistency. If you’ve decided your brand is serious and trustworthy, be serious and trustworthy across all of your communications.
  • Do a Social Sweep: Take a look at your social media posts and your email communications. Are you successfully sticking to your brand messaging, tone and voice?

Now, if you get started on your personal branding and you find you’ve successfully refashioned yourself into a second Napoleon Dynamite, you may have taken things too far. But never fear; we can even fix that at SJC Marketing. Contact us to get started on your personal branding strategy.


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