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Are QR Codes a Part of Your Marketing Strategy?

QR codes are back in a big way. Include them as a part of your comprehensive marketing strategy.

If the first rollout of QR (quick response) codes was less than promising, the latest iteration of the matrix barcode technology invented in 1994 is proving to be a marketing trend that will likely turn into a best practice.

If you’ve visited a restaurant lately, you’ve likely been met with a QR code option at your table. First popularized in the automotive industry where parts could be easily scanned and managed, it wasn’t until 2011 that retailers such as Macy’s and Best Buy began using QR codes. Retailers ran into issues as most consumers had really slow internet or some didn’t own a smartphone; and even if they did use a smartphone, many QR code applications hadn’t been optimized for mobile.

But that’s all in the past and marketers are now becoming fully invested. Beginning in 2017 when Apple took the initiative to update its iOS and enable its native camera app to work on QR codes, marketers realized they could begin utilizing the codes in their marketing strategy.

Why Use QR Codes?

If you’re looking for a way to push more traffic to your website, QR codes are the way to go. This allows you to not only build connections, but you can also gain more first-party data while adding attribution tracking to your outreach content. These might seem like some rather obvious ways in which to make QR codes part of your marketing strategy, so if you want to get a little more innovative, consider the following tips others have used to better integrate QR codes into their marketing strategy:

  • Make Them Appealing
    QR codes aren’t necessarily visually appealing, and they can often look out of place in the design of your packaging. Go the extra mile and incorporate them in a more pleasing manner. For example, some marketers are making their codes look like characters or faces.
  • Give Consumers Better Direction
    Consumers know when they scan a code, they’re going to be taken somewhere, but they don’t often know exactly where. To entice those who might be wary, give them a hint as to where they’ll be directed. For example, if you’re having a sale, let them know that scanning the code will take them to those sale items.

To get the most out of your marketing content, including your use of QR codes, partner with a marketing professional that makes it their duty to assist brands like yours in reaching more consumers. At SJC Marketing, that’s what we do. From practical and effective use of QR codes to developing a marketing strategy that is a custom fit for your unique needs, we can help you reach your goals.

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