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5 Best Practices for the Biggest Impact With Instagram Stories

SJC Marketing explores the tactics necessary for a winning Instagram Stories strategy.

Instagram Stories is a great way to connect with your audience, and is particularly effective for industries where visual elements make a big impact in your marketing.

Not all Instagram Stories campaigns result in growth. How can you invest your time for the best and biggest impact?

Balance Creativity with Structure: Instagram Stories is an ideal platform for your most creative ideas, but that doesn’t mean you should engage in a free-for-all and post whatever strikes you in the moment. It’s important to publish Stories that have a clear beginning, middle and end so that you are communicating a specific message.

Utilize Instagram Insights: Want to know whether your Instagram Stories are hitting the target audience you have identified? Publish them through Instagram Insights to help refine your strategy for the best engagement.

Identify a Time and Post Consistently: If you know your target audience is active at 8 p.m. you should publish at 8 p.m. And if you start out posting twice a week, you don’t want to start drifting to once every two weeks. It happens as that initial rush of ideas starts to dry up, but success with Instagram Stories requires consistently delivering what your audience wants from your brand.

Use Location Tags: Especially if you are a locally-owned business or your business is location-focused, such as in the hospitality industry, be sure to include location tags. This will help your brand when people search on a specific location before they arrive and can find your posts.

Embrace Authenticity: Resist the urge to manufacture material for your Instagram Stories. If you’re in a rut, it’s a good idea to throw a question to your followers and invite them to submit user-generated content. Compile them into a Story that is designed to show off how awesome your followers are and generate goodwill.

When it’s time to refine your social media strategy, it’s time to give us a call to schedule coffee and conversation. We can help you make your Instagram Stories campaign an engaging and fun place to connect with customers.

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