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3 Tips for Improving TikTok’s Role in Your Social Media Strategy

TikTok isn’t just about music and dance; use it to educate your followers as a part of your social media strategy.

If you’ve been slow to include TikTok in your social media strategy, it’s probably because you assumed it was just a place for sharing new dance trends. But TikTok is growing in its influence, outpacing some of the more established platforms.

It’s important to note that the algorithms that drive the feed in TikTok are different than those of Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. Algorithms are one of the reasons why you can’t just make a video and then post like crazy to all the social media platforms; each one requires a unique approach. Here’s what you can do to help your TikTok activity get seen:

Share Something You Know: Sometimes you produce a long how-to appropriate for YouTube, and other times you just have a quick tip or fact that’s helpful and interesting. It might be that you’re an accountant and you want to do a funny post about why it’s better to get your taxes done in early February than early April. Or maybe you run a bike repair shop and want to show dads a trick for keeping bike chains in good working order on their kids’ bikes.

Make it Engaging: This is truly the key to TikTok success, and it’s what will make your video show up in others’ feeds. Include elements that will start a conversation around your video, with questions for your audience that invite them to participate.

Do a quick hit of the weirdest things people have on their desks in your office and then invite your followers to showcase their own strange desk objects. Or talk about trends in your industry and ask what others are noticing.

Focus on Location: Your TikTok account performs based on location, sharing your content with others in geographical proximity. So, make sure your settings have your correct location, and then have some fun with it. Share your experience at the new ice cream shop in town. Make a video sharing little-known facts about your neighborhood’s history. Make a funny montage of your team working at your town’s landmarks.

Your social media strategy may be leaving out a rising star if TikTok isn’t a part of it. At SJC Marketing, TikTok is a pretty good match for our brand of creative fun. Check out our TikTok feed for some great marketing tips!  


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