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What Brands Using Video Marketing Don’t Want You to Know

Video marketing on social media is the most common way consumers are discovering brands.

Your competitors would really rather you didn’t try video marketing. Not only could it improve your brand awareness and take away some of their voice on social media, but it can even drive sales conversions away from their company to yours.

A new survey from Animoto illustrates the power that video marketing carries, including responses from 500 consumers and 500 video marketers. Take a look at three areas your competitors were hoping you wouldn’t notice:

Video Marketing is Tied Directly to Sales Growth: The survey results found a direct line between video and sales, with 93% of businesses reporting that they landed a new customer after they shared a video on social media. And if you’re considering a paid ad, those fare well, too, with 94% of marketers reporting that their paid ads resulted in a positive return on investment.

This isn’t just the perception of marketers. Consumers also saw how video was shaping their purchasing, reporting that video was the most common way that they discovered brands that they later purchased from.

It Matters Where You Post: You have a lot of options for where to post video, and while Facebook and YouTube remain two out of the top three, it’s important to note that TikTok is gaining momentum. It is currently the fastest-growing social media platform in popularity.

And you should make the most of your social media feed and how you integrate video marketing because 67% of consumers said that after they discover a brand, they visit the company’s social media profiles.

You Need a Strategic Approach: When planning your strategy for 2022, think about how best to integrate video marketing. For instance, what portion of your marketing budget is allocated to digital marketing? While 39% of consumers viewed more video ads on social media than on television in 2019, that number has now increased to 58%.

Even within digital marketing, you may be shifting some of your strategy to accommodate new trends. YouTube may retain the highest marketing investment, but it’s expected that dollars will begin to shift toward TikTok in 2022.

Video marketing is a powerful way to increase brand awareness and convert leads to sales. But maybe you’re not sure what kind of video you should make, how long it should be or where you should post it. That’s where we come in. Contact us at SJC Marketing to get started on a video campaign that will transform your strategy.

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