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Are Keywords Still an Important Part of Your SEO Best Practices?

Your SEO best practices should include a keyword strategy that improves rankings.

As you’re planning your 2022 strategy, you may be wondering whether keywords are still going to play a role in your SEO (search engine optimization) best practices.

The answer is yes, but your strategy may need to be reevaluated, depending on how you’ve been using your keywords. Here are key things to look at:

Tighten Up User Intent: Your go-to keywords may make a lot of sense to you as the company selling your product or service, but what about at the user level? When a potential customer types in a search phrase, does it match with what you think it should be?

Developing a solid keyword strategy has less to do with who you are than with who your target audience thinks you are. If they go in search of a solution, rather than searching a specific product, this can change how you prioritize the keywords you use.

Identify Striking Distance Opportunities: For some search results, your company’s site may be hitting in that striking distance ranking. In other words, you’re close to the front page but not quite there. Refining your keyword strategy for those types of searches can help you get to that all-important top-ten ranking that gets more organic search traffic to your site.

Get the Right Audience: You’ve been using SEO best practices for a while, so you know how important it is to target your audience with specific keywords. But if it’s been a couple of years since you’ve revisited it, your strategy may not reflect the fact that things have changed. It’s important to keep reviewing your keyword strategy to be sure you’re on target.

Know What Problems You Solve: A clear idea of what your website does and what problems it solves will go a long way in helping you identify your best keywords. This sounds simple, but there are a lot of companies out there that think they are valued for price or quality, but it’s really something completely different that drives customers to buy. You can do a little digging in analytics to understand what searches people do in your industry, but you can also do some surveying among your current customers to see what led them to you.

If you’re ready to give your SEO best practices an update, contact us at SJC Marketing. We can help you revise your keyword strategy to ensure you’re reaching the right audiences, improving your rankings and understanding what it is your target audience is looking for when they search.

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