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Monday Morning Coffee on Demand: It’s National Fast Food Day November 16th

SJC Marketing shares one of their favorite places to grab a delicious drink on date night.

If you prefer your coffee from a drive-thru, this week’s celebration is for you. Tuesday, November 16 is National Fast Food Day. Your celebration starts here.

Not only can you commemorate the wealth of burgers, tacos, chicken and pizza available on demand, this year is special: it’s the 100-year anniversary of what was likely the first fast food option available. In 1921, after cars became affordable and drivers no longer saw the need to walk into a restaurant, Walter Anderson began serving hamburgers out of an old streetcar. With a partner, he established the first White Castle in Wichita, Kansas, selling burgers for only five cents each.

The first name you think of when fast food is mentioned is likely McDonald’s whose first location came on the scene in 1940. The favorite fast food menu item, the French fry, didn’t appear until 1949 when they replaced chips.

Enjoy local fast food when you celebrate in November right here in St. Joseph.

If you’re looking for ways to recognize National Fast Food Day, here are some ideas for a locally-focused celebration in St. Joseph:

  • Enjoy a refreshing frozen cocktail with a fun name at Max Joe’s Daiquiri’s Lounge.
  • When you’re ready for New York-style pizza, check out Pizza Tascio, owned by New York native Eric Borger and his business partner Josh Young.
  • Grab a pizza from one of two Little Caesar’s locations operated by Jen and Jay Martin.
  • Watch for a pop-up shop or order online from Joe Cookie Company. Choose from a variety of flavors, including Chunky Chocolate, Dreamy Vanilla, Peanut Butter or Oatmeal Scotchies.

We can’t think of a better way to celebrate anything than supporting a local business. Fast food is a uniquely American concept, but when you put a midwestern spin on it, fast food gets even better.

You can't go wrong celebrating National Fast Food Day with Pizza Tascio.

At SJC Marketing, we love being surrounded by local eateries that are fast and delicious! Next time you’re headed out for a burger or a slice of pizza, let’s go together and spin some ideas for your marketing plan.

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