Ag Expo Center
Bridge to Opportunity

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A Bridge to the Right Message
A stalled-out project to build the Ag Expo Center had left residents of St. Joseph jaded about its future. When new leadership stepped forward to breathe life into the initiative, marketing strategy agency SJC Marketing was on hand to create the right message for the region’s new agricultural and cultural hub through a complete company rebranding.
Signs of Stagnation
The Ag Expo Center has been in the works for several years, with a number of marketing and fundraising efforts, but without sustained, measurable progress. Supporters and advocates for the projects became fatigued due to the lack of tangible progress, as well as the messages attached to the project.
Project leadership required a new set of messages, with a new brand image and strategic campaigns to demonstrate the renewed momentum and progress surrounding the project. The project needed a way to dispel negative associations with the unfinished highway interchange as well as create a unified campaign.

Strategic Marketing for Consistency
Kansas City design industry leader SJC Marketing partnered with the Ag Expo Center Committee to create a new logo and associated communications. The new logo’s design captures not only the agricultural aspect of the Ag Expo Center, but also communicates the potential for the project to propel the region forward in both science and technology. SJC Marketing also created new landing pages to communicate key areas of impact for the project, such as youth development, economic growth and student education. Each landing page includes an opportunity to subscribe to ongoing email updates for the project.
Our team at SJC Marketing also created new video featuring members of the Ag Expo Committee, as well as drone photography, a new tool in video for business marketing, and video footage that demonstrates the depth and scope of progress on the Ag Expo Center as it continues.
A new, unified message centered on the concept of “Bridge to…” as a way to create consistency across all communications, including social media, landing pages, email messages, print pieces and special events.