You’re familiar with the idea that you can make purchases directly on a social media site, without clicking through to a company website. But you may not have tapped into the potential for social commerce yet because you didn’t realize what an opportunity it holds for your brand.
Here are three facts you may not know about social commerce:
It’s Where Mobile and Social Collide…in a Good Way: Smartphone shopping has experienced exponential growth, with sales expected to reach $660 billion by 2025. That’s up from $295 billion in 2021. This is a change because it used to be that people might do some research and exploration on their smartphones, but then hit their desktop to pull the trigger on a purchase. Not anymore.
The same type of mobile dominance is occurring with social media. More than two out of three people use Facebook exclusively on their mobile devices. That number is expected to continue growing.
Facebook and Instagram are Leading the Pack: It’s no surprise that Facebook and Instagram, which are both consumer-heavy social media platforms, would be leaders in social commerce. More than half of shoppers say they would make a purchase directly through these two sites. But there’s a pretty good margin even between these two platforms, with Facebook claiming 22.3% of sales, compared to Instagram’s 12.9%.
As Always, Age Matters: Like every tool in marketing, it’s a good idea to know how it applies to your target audience. But when it comes to social commerce, you’re probably smart to try it if your target market is under the age of 55. While those between 25 and 34 are using it at the highest percentage (55% have made a purchase on a social platform), every age group under 55 has a solid showing in social commerce, with every bracket having at least 48% of their demographic using the feature.
What’s exciting about social commerce trends is that it’s one of those newly emerging tools that’s headed for growth. If you are interested in jumping in, it could be a huge opportunity for your brand. Contact us at SJC Marketing and we’ll help you get started, from launching a campaign to figuring out exactly where to put that all-important “buy now” button.