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The Power of B2B Marketing: Create a Strategy That Solves Problems

Image of a desk surface with hands resting on a laptop. The screen says "B2B Marketing" and there is a plant and a pair of glasses nearby.

Is yours one of the 63% of B2B companies that lacks a documented content strategy? If so, now is the time to act. When your B2B marketing strategy is well crafted, you stand to make a lasting impression on your customers.

There is a common denominator among successful companies with B2B marketing – they focus on solving customer problems. As they set out to create a strategy, marketing professionals look at the various ways in which their content can tackle customer problems and provide answers. This is where you want to be – in the 37% of companies that map out their content strategy and see results from their efforts.

B2B Marketing Best Practices

 Offer Value: As mentioned above, your B2B marketing strategy should be focused on offering value to your audience, whether that involves discussing a solution to a problem, offering a little-known tip or providing your thoughts on an industry trend. Make sure your content is always providing something of value and not selling anything.

Solid Infrastructure: After you put the work into creating content, you don’t want an unresponsive design to foil all that effort. Too many companies make this oversight and marketing results suffer because of it. You need a responsive design, one that will provide a flawless user experience. Navigation issues should be the least of your worries, so make sure you make this a priority.

An Invested Focus in Marketing: Does throwing large amounts of money toward sales correlate to improved performance? Some company executives think so, but the truth is that customers are even more swayed by marketing than they are by sales, so if there is to be a budgeting increase directive, make it toward the marketing efforts.

A Balanced Approach: Sometimes companies get excited about one aspect of marketing and forget to use a strategic mix of techniques. For instance, referrals fall into the best practices category but it’s important not to rely on them too heavily. Personal recommendations are influential, but they don’t work on their own. Your B2B marketing efforts must be evenly distributed so that no one aspect is overly relied upon.

Outsource Your B2B Marketing

Did you know that almost half of all B2B marketing teams outsource at least one of their content marketing activities? It’s most often the content creation portion that is outsourced, but content distribution and content technology also rank high.

At SJC Marketing, our clients outsource to us for our expertise in doing everything from developing a content strategy to creating the content and distributing it. Our team is staffed with professionals who handle all aspects of B2B marketing. Want to know more about what we offer? Contact us and let’s talk about improving your B2B marketing today.

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