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Splurge on That Monday Morning Coffee

SJC Marketing shares one of their favorite places to grab a delicious drink on date night.

Maybe it’s indulging in that extra scoop of ice cream or snatching up a pricey leather tote that’s been on your wish list for months. Maybe it’s a round of golf with your buddies or a full day of watching ESPN….while eating an entire case of Red Hot Tamales.

National Splurge Day is coming up on Friday, June 18, and just in case that’s not encouragement enough, here are a few good reasons why you might want to partake in the fun:

Fuel Your Creativity: That excitement pumping through your veins after you hit “order”…the adrenaline that comes from indulging in a little extra whipped cream on your coffee…the thrill you get from trying sky diving for the first time. You can funnel that excitement into creative ideas for your brand and let your splurge become your fuel for even more thrills ahead.

Your Significant Other Recognizes Holidays: Sure, on any other day, it’s just spending too much money or wasting time, but a splurge takes on complete respectability on its official day. If you have a partner who insists on an official title, just capitalize your indulgence and insert it into the title. For instance, pigging out on pie becomes National Pie Splurge Day. Pizza for breakfast gains a little something when you call it National Splurge on Pizza for Breakfast Day. See…? Easy.

National Splurge Day allows you to eat more pizza, add whipped cream to your coffee or purchase a little gift for yourself!

And yes, there’s a marketing lesson here, too. Want to know how to get some traction on a new product feature? Make it a capitalized title, and it’s officially a thing.

Okay, scratch that last part. There’s a little more to it.

Tackle Something New: You’ve just decided that, in honor of National Splurge Day, you can become someone new. That’s someone who takes chances…who springs for the gold bracelet…who decides to give the mullet another go-round…who gets really wild and upgrades to super premium gasoline.

You might also decide you’re someone who’s ready to try video marketing or jump in as a guest on a business partner’s podcast. Who knows? You might even decide it’s time to finally get started on a rebranding.

National Splurge Day is an excuse to treat yourself and one little splurge might be all you need to kickstart a whole new future for you and your brand.

As if you needed a reason.

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