When you operate a business in any community, it is important for you to be an active part of that community. This spring, one of our SJC Marketing team members had the privilege of serving our community by playing a role on the allocations subcommittee for the United Way of Greater St. Joseph.
There are 17 partner agencies that the United Way supports. As a member of this subcommittee, our Client Project Coordinator Dylan Cutitta helped recommend how much money would be given to two of those local nonprofit agencies.
This process occurs every spring as local agencies are given the opportunity to present to the subcommittees and make their case for why they are deserving of the requested donation amount. The committees then meet following these presentations to make their decisions as a group on the best allocation of available funds.
It is truly an eye-opening experience to hear from these agencies and get a reminder for just how important what they do for the local community is. The passion is evident as these wonderful people stand in front of nearly 40 members and lay out their plan for the year to come and how this money would impact their organization and those they serve in the community.
At the conclusion of the process, Dylan could not stress enough how glad he was to have served on this subcommittee. Being a Kansas City, Missouri, native, he came away from the experience feeling better connected to the St. Joseph, Missouri, community and the people in it.
If you have a chance to serve on this committee in the future (or any committee that actively serves those in your community), we highly recommend it! The people at the United Way of Greater St. Joseph are amazing people who love what they do. We are thankful to serve with local organizations that give back to our community.