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Monday Morning Coffee Sculpture Walk 2021-2022

Enjoy some Monday morning coffee with some local farmers and a peek into the agriculture industry.

If you have spent a day downtown in St. Joseph, Missouri lately, you may have noticed new art pieces adorning the sidewalks. This year-long exhibit promotes vivacity in our downtown area and enhances the historic architecture and unique nature of a growing and thriving environment.

The long-standing tradition of celebrating the arts in the St. Joseph community has been a central accomplishment for the Allied Arts Council for several years. The 8th Annual St. Joseph Sculpture Walk is no different. The walk incorporates 21 sculptures created by artists across North America, including sculptors from Missouri.

Visitors to the 8th Annual St. Joseph Sculpture Walk enjoy a visual buffet of creativity.

These sculptures amplify the downtown environment and each piece is designated to a spot that reflects the natural and cultural environment that surrounds it. Each sculpture is important as it represents community values in St. Joseph and a continuation of educating and inspiring the community through the arts.

Spectators of the beautiful sculptures are encouraged to participate in voting for their favorite sculpture by completing a ballot found in the walking tour brochure. Viewers can drop those completed ballots in the ballot boxes downtown or by dropping off ballots at the Allied Arts Office, 118 S 8th Street.

At SJC Marketing we enjoy working and thriving in a community enhanced by the arts. We are very fortunate to have a team of innovative thinkers who have original ideas that help take our clients’ marketing to the next level. It is great to live in a community that continues to inspire us to be creative and to think outside the box.

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