Lead Forensics

Is it Time to Upgrade Your B2B Website for an Improved User Experience?

A man in a suit and glasses sits at a laptop.

Keeping a finger on the pulse of buyer expectations is key for your company as you develop your marketing strategy. A recent review of more than 500 B2B websites shows that too many are missing the heartbeat altogether, thus creating a less-than-optimal digital experience for potential buyers.

Logik.io, a company that provides advanced software for businesses, conducted a study of 527 B2B e-commerce sites, revealing data that can be valuable as you look at your own B2B website and help you create more positive user experiences.

“A majority of B2B buyers are having generally negative experiences with e-commerce websites,” the study said.

Some takeaways from the study include the following:

  • Only 16% of users rated their experience as “positive”
  • 21% had a “very negative” experience
  • 27% had a “somewhat negative” experience

User expectations with their preferred B2B websites are not high going in, as only 50% said their experience was about what they had expected, and only 14% said their experience was “better than expected.”

One of the most startling aspects of the study is that only 3.1% of the B2B websites offered a guided buying experience, which means the majority of potential buyers who require that type of assistance is being neglected.

And for those who do make a purchase, only 20% of websites offer the chance for them to make product configurations, so there is no customizable option. Worse yet, only 2 out of 10 sites  offer the ability to make that B2B purchase online.

“While many ecommerce websites have room for improvement, opportunities abound for the companies that push to elevate their strategies, tech stacks, and customer experiences,” the study said.

B2B websites can learn something from B2C sites, which often do a better job of catering to consumer needs. There are differences relative to the site-building approach, and B2B buyers have unique responsibilities and requirements compared to the average consumer making online purchases, but this can be navigated by a team of professionals with experience building B2B websites.

At SJC Marketing, we integrate the latest tools that assist buyers on their journey through our clients’ websites. Every company has different needs, so we take the time to investigate all of them and create a B2B website that caters to your buyers. Contact us and let’s get the process started.

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