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Pumpkin-Spiced Monday Morning Coffee, and All the Other Things We’re Grateful For

Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly celebration of local businesses, enjoyed with a fresh cup of coffee.

As you prepare for Thanksgiving, you’ve probably hit on all the obvious gratitude subjects: family, friends and hopefully good health and a few extra perks. You may have even been pre-grateful for your upcoming turkey and pie.

Now that all those great things are covered, it’s time to stop and ponder a few things in the marketing realm that you might appreciate:

Your Brand: Your brand stands for a few things that you can really get behind, like maybe quality and reliability, or fun and adventure. Whatever your brand values, you know them, you love them and you know you can count on your brand to carry your products or services to the public.

Your Customers: You probably saw this one coming. Without customers, where would any of us be? You probably thank your customers pretty often, with each transaction ending in a recited, “we appreciate your business,” and you might decide now and then to throw in a discount or freebie for an extra thank-you.

Change: If you’re honest, sometimes you feel something other than gratitude for change, but think back over the last few years. What big changes have you seen in your company, and how have they helped you grow? Change gives you an opportunity to explore new options and incorporate techniques you may not have been brave enough to try if you had the choice.

Technology: Sure, you jam the printer about once a week, and the one app that everyone on your team just loves is the one that is always locking up your smartphone, but think about technology more broadly. Isn’t it awesome to think about that, just a couple of decades ago, people were pretty much still chained to a desk in an office? Today you can work wherever you can get WiFi, which is pretty much everywhere. Sing with Napoleon now, “Yes, I love technology…always and forever.”

At SJC Marketing, we love to stop our maniacal brainstorming sessions now and then to reflect for a moment on what’s gone right in the past. Yep, we do gratitude. And we always top our list with you, because without our customers, we wouldn’t go to a job we love every day. Happy Thanksgiving from SJC Marketing!

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