Lead Forensics

Pivotal Point Transitional Housing

“SJC has been instrumental in re-branding Pivotal Point Transitional Housing. This team of creative minds spent time with us to see the heart of what we do and help us to communicate that to our community. We are very grateful for what they created for us and their continued support to help us be successful. We continue to get compliments on our logo and website.

Through extensive brainstorming sessions, exploratory conversation and design development, the SJC Marketing team developed the company rebranding for Pivotal Point as the organization’s new name. This approach highlighted that the individuals the organization works with are at a pivotal point in their lives and are ready to embrace the challenges presented by the transitional housing program in order to get out of homelessness and into sustainability.

From there, the logo was developed and the website built in order to give the organization a solid presence in the St. Joseph market. As part of the relationship, SJC Marketing continues to serve as a marketing consultant for the Pivotal Point team as they continue to expand and make a difference in the community.”

Melissa Frakes, Executive Director Pivotal Point Transitional Housing
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