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Monday Morning Coffee With POAC Succeed

Join SJC Marketing each Monday for Monday Morning Coffee, a blog featuring local businesses.

People of All Colors Succeed or POAC Succeed is a local organization with the goal of closing the gap between injustice and equality and sparking courageous conversations for change.

The nonprofit was started in 2019 by northwest Missouri native Jamie Grayson. After a career in the financial industry, he started the organization to combat discrimination and bullying in the corporate workplace. POAC Succeed works with schools and businesses to enable individuals to identify inequalities and provide opportunities for young people.

“POAC in one word means community. It’s about bringing people together,” says Grayson.

The organization also has an educational program for students in local schools for grades K-12.

Working with students, the organization offers real-world learning. They focus on soft skills, business etiquette, job-seeking advice, financial health and wellness life skills, industry exposure and program expectations.

Sip your Monday Morning Coffee with POAC Succeed.

At POAC they want to redefine what success means. Giving students the knowledge and opportunity to utilize different pathways to achieve their goals is central to the organization. The goals they pursue could be entering the workforce after high school or going to a four-year college or university.

POAC Succeed works with schools and businesses to empower all individuals to identify inequities that exist. The group’s goal is for the younger generation to learn acceptance of others and encourage courageous conversations for change. Through open dialogue, understanding and inclusion, POAC Succeed believes it’s possible to build healthier communities and a brighter future.

Everyone is unique and sometimes people perceive these differences as barriers. Those distinctions can be across age, race, gender religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status. People need to work together to close the gap between social injustices and equality at every opportunity.

POAC Succeed believes because of differences, individuals can give back to the community in meaningful ways. They want to teach others to celebrate diversity, inclusion and equality and accept each other every single day.

To learn more about POAC Succeed visit their website at https://www.poacsucceed.com/


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