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Monday Morning Coffee With Dr. Suess

Monday Morning Coffee logo with a cup of coffee and a smartphone in the background.

You’ve probably read a few classics by Dr. Seuss. Because of Dr. Seuss, you may always associate the letter “Y” with Young Yolanda Yorgenson standing on a yak’s back. Yelling, of course. Or you might often wonder exactly how ham becomes both green and edible. Blech.

Behind all the tongue-tying, rhyming nonsense words, a lot of wisdom is lurking in a Dr. Seuss book. And some of that wisdom fits pretty well with the marketing lessons SJC is always talking about.

Image of The Cat in the Hat with the words "Dr. Seuss" written in red with a blue border around the image and wording.

Let’s try out a few of the best-known Dr. Seuss quotes and see what they can teach us about marketing:

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Your company is special and unique. You have a culture all your own and a vision for your brand that stands alone. It’s important to communicate to your audiences what it is that makes you special and what makes you different than your competitors.

“Sometimes the questions are complicated, and the answers are simple.”

You know your brand. You know your customers. So, when a marketing technique or a path you are forging seems too difficult or like it’s being forced, it may be because it’s not right for your product.

“Why fit in, when you were born to stand out!”

One of the biggest pitfalls in marketing is trying to create content for everyone. You’re not going to appeal to everyone, so try to appeal to those that matter—your core target audience. If it appeals to everyone, it probably doesn’t really nail it for anyone.

“Look at me! Look at me! Look at me now! It is fun to have fun but you have to know how.”

Image of The Cat in the Hat against a white background.

You can hear the glee in The Cat in the Hat on this one. He’s having a good time. But—are you? Is your social media a bit of a snooze fest? Or maybe you’re writing blogs that offer a lot of information but they aren’t all that fun to read.

Remember that there’s an element of entertainment in marketing. You’ve got to make sure your audience wants to come back—and not just because they can’t get to sleep and they know your blog will do the trick.

Have fun with your marketing. Like The Cat in the Hat, you might make a bit of a mess on your way but your audiences will enjoy the humor and fun you bring to their feed.

And when you need help getting some good fun added to your marketing strategy, contact us at SJC Marketing. We love to make your brand shine!


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