Ahhh, coffee. Whether you require an occasional caffeine boost before an early-morning meeting or you’ve got a daily can’t-miss morning appointment with Mr. Coffee, you likely have a preferred way you like to drink yours.
This is far from scientific, but who ever let a little thing like science keep them from having some fun? Read on to find out what your favorite brew might reveal about you.
Temperature: One study found that even before you get to brew style and add-ins, you’ve already been pigeonholed a bit. For instance, your temp may be correlating with your social media preferences, with cold brew fans preferring Instagram at a rate of 27% while 35% of hot coffee fans like Facebook better.
According to the study, old brew fans also tend to like sunny weather, are part of Gen Z and like to binge-watch TV (okay, come on…everyone likes that!).
Now, let’s move on to more fun with some ideas about what your cup of coffee may say about you:
Black Coffee: Ooh, serious. You are a no-nonsense person that may be described as old-school and efficient. You get things done!
Instant Coffee: Setting aside for just one moment that instant coffee is to coffee what Tang is to orange juice, there are a few qualities that might go with your brew (non-brew, actually). You may be low-maintenance and easy-to-please or you may be a procrastinator that doesn’t have time to wait for a cup.
Cappuccino: You are classy. You have time to sip. You may even be adventurous and creative. Or you might just like that foamy surface.
Latte: Whether you prefer a bit of sugar, caramel syrup or you’re a straight cream kind of sipper, lattes may indicate that you’re a person who’s easy to be around. You like a little cream and sugar to take the edge off an espresso, just like you can take the edge off a conversation.
Espresso: You’re bold, confident and you’re in a hurry. You down that shot of espresso like you’ve got somewhere to be.
Milk Alternatives or Decaf: You’re the one holding up the line. But that’s okay because you’re probably setting an example for healthfulness that the rest of us should follow. You may also be a detail-oriented person and everyone counts on you to get things just right.
These are probably about as reliable as your astrological sign for summing up your personality, but it’s a fun tour anyway, right? When you’re ready to sip some coffee while talking over a marketing campaign, don’t forget to call us at SJC Marketing!