Lead Forensics

Monday Morning Coffee and the Importance of Nonprofits

Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly celebration of local businesses, enjoyed with a fresh cup of coffee.

Show us a thriving, successful community and we’ll show you handfuls of nonprofits contributing to that success. In St. Joseph, our nonprofit organizations work hard each day to support our neighbors with services ranging from basic everyday needs to rehabilitation programs to youth activities and much, much more. As you sip your Monday Morning Coffee, think about the nonprofits that have impacted your life, and whether or not you are in the position to impact others’ lives by supporting local nonprofits.

Of the 1.3 million nonprofit organizations across the United States, more than 27% fall under the human services category, providing basic human needs to citizens across the country. Just over 22% of all nonprofits provide healthcare and educational services to our neighbors. This means nearly half of all nonprofits provide basic human needs, healthcare and education in our communities.

Although the services they provide make the greatest impact in our communities, nonprofits make a difference in more ways than one. Nonprofit organizations across the United States employ more than 10% of the private workforce. That’s more workers than in the manufacturing, construction and finance industries. But wait until you find out how much money nonprofits put back into our local economies…

Two. Trillion. Dollars. Yes, you read that correctly. Nonprofits spend $2,000,000,000,000 annually, pumping that money back into our economy one way or another. More than $826 billion is spent each year on salaries, benefits and payroll taxes for the more than 12.3 million nonprofit employees. Local and state economies would be vastly different – and not in a good way – without nonprofit organizations.

We know what you’re thinking: Where do nonprofits come up with all this money to put back into the economy? Nearly half of the revenue generated by nonprofits comes from private fees for services. A huge amount of this comes from hospitals and institutions of higher education, which charge for services such as surgical procedures and tuition. Over 30% of nonprofit revenue comes from government grants and contracts. Those two categories leave around 19% of nonprofit revenue to come from other sources.

Only 14% of the annual revenue for nonprofits in the United States comes from donations, with 10.2% being donated by individuals and a mere 3.8% being donated by foundations (2.9%) and corporations (0.9%).

Supporting our local nonprofits is crucial in cultivating a successful community and local economy. Please consider supporting one of our local nonprofits in the St. Joseph area. Here are a few for you to consider:

There is a long list of nonprofits that serve the St. Joseph community. Choose one to support today.

We know these are just some of the nonprofits serving our community, there are many more that could also use your support. Today we tip our mugs to all of our local nonprofits and thank them for the work they are doing.

*All statistics and information on non-profits courtesy of the National Council of Nonprofits and the Nonprofit Impact Matters report.

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