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Grab Your Monday Morning Coffee And Give A Tree A Hug

Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly celebration of local businesses, enjoyed with a fresh cup of coffee.

Since it’s almost Arbor Day and one of our own is a Nebraska native, we asked her to share with all of you why this day is important. Savor your coffee this morning and hear about Arbor Day memories from account manager Jordan Shadwick.

Friday, April 24th,  is a day to celebrate trees! That’s right, it’s National Arbor Day. Growing up in Nebraska City, Nebraska, the home of Arbor Day, I have many memories surrounding hometown celebrations.

As a child, I and other elementary school students were tasked with creating posters to celebrate trees. This was one of my favorite traditions. The posters were collected, and all were hung in local business windows around town. It was an adventure walking down main street in hopes that you could find yours displayed in a window along the parade route.

I remember our class taking a field trip on Arbor Day to Arbor Lodge. We sat on the ground in front of the historic estate of J. Sterling Morton, the founder of Arbor Day. We listened as city officials spoke about this holiday and what it meant to our community. Afterwards, we played in the park and took turns whispering secrets to our friend sitting on the adjacent side of the whispering bench.

As I grew older, I worked at Arbor Day Farm. I provided tours within the 260 acres of beautiful land. I explored nature while walking on the Tree Adventure trail. I learned how to identify trees by their leaves or bark. I learned about their healing properties, the food and shelter they provide, and why each tree is unique in look and purpose.

More recently, my husband and I stayed at the Lied Lodge & Conference Center. We enjoyed award-winning cuisine, the Olympic-sized swimming pool and breathtaking views of the beautiful acreage. We explored the Fuelwood Energy Plant Gallery and learned the process of turning trees into energy to support the heating and air conditioning for the hotel.  We visited the Apple House Market where you are able to purchase delicious fruits and vegetables, fresh-baked pies, cider and signature wines.

Nebraska City takes pride in the celebration of the beauty, history and recycling of trees. If you see what started with a tree and grew into an escape, a destination where you can be part of nature and can learn more about its beauty, you will see what is truly at the core of Nebraska City.

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