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Enjoy Your Monday Morning Coffee and Join With Us in Celebrating National Women’s Small Business Month

Learn more about businesses in St. Joe and the surrounding area by joining SJC Marketing for Monday Morning Coffee.

Bake your favorite cake, bust out the confetti and put on your party hat. There’s a bit of a celebration to go with your Monday Morning Coffee this week. October is National Women’s Small Business Month.

National Women’s Small Business Month began officially in 2012 when the Small Business Association began supporting and promoting events that highlight the voices of small business owners that are women.

SJC Marketing is a woman-owned business certified by the State of Missouri.

Why Should You Celebrate National Women’s Small Business Month? There’s more to it than just an excuse to eat cake (though we fully support any and all excuses to eat cake). Supporting small businesses owned by women is good for the community. For instance, did you know that there are nearly 13 million women-owned businesses in the United States, employing 9.4 million workers and generating revenue of $1.9 trillion?  When you support small businesses owned by women, you support your local community and families.

Now You Know Why You Should Party, But How Should You Party? There are many ways, including simply, and perhaps most importantly, spending your money with local, women-owned small businesses. Here are a few more:

Attend an Event: There may be a webinar or workshop hosted near you that’s designed to help women small business owners. Attend the event or see if the organizers could use a hand with setting up, getting the word out or providing refreshments. If there’s no event near you, consider hosting one.

Mentor a Small Business Owner: If you’ve already navigated the challenges of starting a woman-owned small business, why not help someone else who’s starting out? Mentoring a fellow business owner can help them gain confidence and avoid problems you help them anticipate.

Join or Start an Organization: There may already be a vibrant group for women business owners in your community, but you could also initiate a group. It could be as simple as a few women meeting for coffee once a quarter, but you’ll gain valuable insights from one another.

Celebrate National Women's Small Business Month by spending money with a local, woman-owned business.

You may not know that SJC Marketing is a woman-owned small business, certified by the State of Missouri. Started in 2005 by Susan Campbell, this team is not only led by a woman but also employs some of the most creative and talented women and men in the St. Joseph area. Come celebrate National Women’s Small Business Month with an initial consultation with SJC Marketing. And bring cake.

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