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How Would a Drone Play Pickleball? 2018 Year in Review

SJC Marketing takes a look back at a year of marketing, creativity, fun and pickleball.

If Christmas is the most wonderful time of year, what about after Christmas is over? While it can’t quite compete with a living room crammed with presents and decorations, New Year’s deserves its own title. Most bittersweet time of year? Most nostalgic time of year? Best clearance sales time of year?

Okay, so it needs some work. At SJC Marketing, New Year’s is a good time to look back on successes, fun team-building activities and how the entire crew has grown and changed over the year. Here are some highlights from 2018:

The SJC team got a bump. Last year, SJC Marketing added three new employees, staffed five interns and added a sleek but mysterious new team member. Hello, Mr. Drone (Maverick the Mavic). There are rumors circulating around his outrageous salary, but nobody else can quite come up with the ability to create aerial views.

The creative side got a workout. Throughout the year, SJC created 12 websites and 64 videos. While the finished product makes it look easy, the team at SJC that produces visual marketing put in some long, tireless hours.

SJC had a lot of fun, even when it looked like they were working. From 30 combined hours of pickleball training to 92 custom photos created for Instagram campaigns, SJC proved that a job can feel like anything but work when you love what you do.

The team was looking ahead. Even as they collaborated on creative projects for marketing campaigns, the team was planning on how to better serve clients in the future. Together, employees attended 10 conferences, and SJC now has team members that are Google AdWords and SharpSpring certified.

SJC invested in the community. Both as a company and as individuals, the team took time out to contribute to the well-being of neighbors and nonprofits in the area. Combined, there were thousands of volunteer hours.

The fun we’ve had as a team this year is a good reminder that being satisfied in your work is about more than earning a paycheck or landing a deal. It’s about loving your work and having fun together, but also sharing your skills with the community and supporting important causes. It all adds up to a lot more than a job or even a company. It’s what makes a great team.

If this resounds with your own company culture, maybe our teams would work well together. Contact us for an appointment, and let’s get started on more fun for 2019!

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