Marketing Musings
What We Write
Given the sheer volume of content today, you need to make an impression that puts your content ahead of others. Did you know that the average user will give a website six seconds to impress them enough to stay or turn them off enough to click out of the site and onto a competitor? This […]
Read More… from Graphic Design and Credibility: Consumers Value Professional Design
Many things have changed over the past few decades. Landlines used to be a center of communication, now many people don’t even have one in their house as cell phones have become so integrated into everyone’s lives. And you may remember the days of keeping all your lists on paper, now everyone can easily keep […]
Read More… from Monday Morning Coffee With a Look Back at Design
It’s probably been a few years, or even a few decades since someone asked you what your favorite color is. It’s usually a childhood playground topic, left alone once you enter the realm of deserted island games where book and movie preferences seem to sum up your personality in a more satisfying way. Or do […]
Graphic design is the perfect example of why marketing is both a science and an art. You anticipate fun discussions over your color scheme and creative elements. And while this is part of the brainstorming, there also needs to be an extensive discussion about your target market and your branding. Here are three key elements […]
Read More… from How Do You Capture Your Brand Messaging Effectively With Graphic Design?