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Monday Morning Coffee With Cup of Joe

Learn more about businesses in St. Joe and the surrounding area by joining SJC Marketing for Monday Morning Coffee.

Can you guess our favorite way to start off a Monday morning?  With a mug of our favorite coffee brew, of course.  Coffee has been around for hundreds of years. And has been called a lot of different names. Some you may have heard of include battery acid, bean juice, brew, java, jitter juice, jet fuel, morning mud, liquid energy and so many more. Without a doubt, when you think of coffee, you likely think of the nickname cup of joe.

There are three theories of the origins of the term. One is attributed to the secretary of the Navy in 1913. Josephus Daniels did not allow alcohol on navy ships. Many on board thus increased their consumption of coffee, which was the strongest substitute.  They referred disparagingly to their coffee as a “cup of Josephus” which soon shortened to “cup of Joe.”

Another theory on this popular name is it’s a shortened version of two slang terms for coffee, java and jamoke (a combination of the words java and mocha). According to Merriam-Webster, it’s old-fashioned slang.

And the theory that is probably most legitimate is because Joe is regarded as “a common man’s” name, and coffee is regarded as “a common man’s” beverage following World War II. When diners popped up in the 1940s and 50s, you would find working men eating their daily breakfast there and they might be drinking a cup of joe.

The nickname for coffee, cup of joe, may date back to WWII.

The term was trademarked by Martinson Coffee around the 1930s. The owner’s name was Joe Martinson and he was reported to have a larger-than-life personality.

Whatever you call the caffeinated drink, there is a new place coming to St. Joseph to get your favorite drink with a name that pays honor to the famous nickname. Cup of Joe Coffee will be located near the North Shoppes, 3610 Village Dr. When asked why they chose the name for their business, they have three great reasons. First, it brings to mind the popular name of a delicious cup of joe, second, it is for the people of St. Joe, and third, one of the owners’ names is Joe.

Cup of Joe will serve specialty coffee, smoothies, energy drinks, breakfast bites and more. Including gluten-free options. You can go through the drive-thru or enjoy ordering in the lobby.

To keep up on what’s brewing at Cup of Joe check out their Facebook page.  We tip our mugs to this new local business!



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