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Making a Marketing New Year’s Resolution With Monday Morning Coffee

Monday Morning Coffee logo with a cup of coffee and a smartphone in the background.

Remember last year’s resolutions? You were going to lose ten pounds, and by the time October rolled around, you only had 14 to go.

You swore off credit cards, making it to February before you just couldn’t take winter anymore and splurged on a trip to the Caribbean.

You also gave up sugar. Okay, it was only until noon one day but it was a valiant effort.

Why not try something completely different this year and make a resolution you can not only keep, but that comes with quick rewards?

Make a new resolution this year, such as trying some humor in video or investing in a new social media platform.

Your marketing strategy may be starting to resemble you after a month of eggnog and late nights. It’s a little out of sorts and weary, just like you. It’s time to make a resolution that makes both of you look good:

New Year, New Marketing Platform: You know LinkedIn. You’re comfortable there. You know how to use their tools and how to engage the crowd. But recently, you’ve noticed that your industry is buzzing with a different platform. It might be jumping in on the popularity of TikTok or there might be a resurgence of interest in Facebook. The new year is a perfect time to get familiar with a new platform and test the waters for your brand there.

Do Something Scary: Sometimes, the scariest thing you can do in marketing is also the most effective. For instance, if you’re used to being relatively serious in your marketing messaging, why not try a short-form video with some humor? Authenticity continues to be a big theme in successful marketing, and the vulnerability that comes with humor is a great way to connect with audiences.

If you haven't yet made your website accessible, that would be a great resolution for this year.

Make Your Website Accessible: This is a resolution that offers something of value to your audience, but it’s also a smart business move. Approximately 15% of the population meets the criteria for Persons with Disabilities, which means that if your site is not accessible, you’re leaving out a significant portion of your target audience. It’s a fantastic goal to go after accessibility this year.

Hold a Contest: The new year is a great time to run an Instagram contest or a Facebook poll related to resolutions. Invite your audience to post pictures of themselves going after their resolutions, and if you think of a way to work in your brand or product, even better. You can also run a Facebook poll, asking audiences what they’re trying to tackle this year. Enter all of your participants into a drawing for some valuable discounts or merchandise.

Over at SJC Marketing, we’re making our own resolutions, and they all have to do with making your brand shine! Contact us and let’s get started on 2024!


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